Yeah.. scrub scrub scrub!
Nothing much happen today but I am working on my mum's bird house as I told before in the older post. Haha. So, I'm going to blog about.. YESTERDAY!
Lol.. Didn't manage to get in time to blog it yesterday because was in the movie until 11.30pm+ I guess. So this is how I celebrate my 1st december!
Before that I was busy in cleaning my house and Aldrich come then mummy ask him to come upstairs and help me out because we are actually going out on 7pm. So sorry my baby that I can be that early yesterday and thank you for helping me for cleaning up the rooms. I love you.
FINALLY I'm out from my house. Once I sat in the car, never forget to kiss his cheek in the car like everyday. (*'.'*)
Bought the materials needed for the bird house. Dinner in Fish & Co and watch movie together! We watched Twilight and it's a nice movie. I love Vampire's movies! Anything includes Vampire I just love it!
Picture Below: Aldrich and Chloe
Picture Below: Christmas Decoration in One Borneo. Centre Atrium.
Picture Below: Decorations of One Borneo
Picture Below: Santa Chair!
Picture Below: Picture of the Day!
Picture Below: Listen up yoyo!
Picture Below: Dead Fish infront of me
Picture Below: Soup of the Day, Cream of Turkey Ham
Picture Below: Fish and Chips. RM16.90
Picture Below: Pink Passion. RM5.90
Picture Below: Do we look alike?!



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