Tuesday 4 November 2008


Finished Exam

Today I had finished my exam and I felt great!
After exam, went to Miss Venezuella's office to ask for our course marks and have a great meeting with her. Including the discussion of visiting the Pulau Dinawan in next year Valentine's Day. Plannings will be confirm..
Then, went to cut my hair (like didn't cut), went shopping for a while to find shoes for Jenette!
Wow.. Purple shoe man! Mysterious shoe lol.
So I had a very bad habit today. (Too much studies)
Guess what?
I sleep in the car when heading to all places.
I almost fall asleep in the saloon as I closed my eyes.
I sleep in Jenette's house (for the 1st time in afternoon).
I sleep again while we are heading to Pilate Class.
I have panda eyes now and I'm still happy!
Gonna be crazy soon like crazywrazy!
Hey hey..
I really hope I can get good marks.
Nothing more.. Please God!

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