Sunday 2 November 2008


Eve of Exam

Today I'm so so so.. Urgh!

Okay, I done my house chores early today and I started to study at 3.30pm. So, when it was 5pm, I thought it was 7pm.
You know why?
Because today I mess up with my time.
Normally I finished my house chores at 5.30pm.

So guess what?
For so many hours I've studied.. Yet, just a little things I memorised.

Told ya that I couldn't remember things but at least that I done my exam and I'm satisfied.

Although I didn't studied some of the information, but.. I'm SATISFIED! Lol..

Dear Lord,
I love you.
Thank you for today.. It was wonderful as everyday.
Heavenly Father, please bless me by letting me remember of what I had read. Father, please bless Aldrich as well for his studies. Bless my Family and Friends. Jenette is a clever girl my Lord, bless her as well for her cleverness.

Bless of classmates as well in their exams.


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