Thursday 19 February 2009


Burning in Kota Kinabalu

Few days ago, there’s a house at Sembulan had burn down. I heard it was those teacher’s houses in the school compound.
The distance was like just beside Jenette’s house but it’s actually two houses distance for sure.

The reason for starting this fire, I don’t know.
But it is quite scary because I was standing by the window and take the picture. Jenette and her dad went down to park their cars to the other place.

One thing that I have to emphasis is that, the fire fighters are really really slow. I mean, for whom who stay in Kota Kinabalu know where is the Fire Station in Sembulan right? They were just beside the fire scene but they take their action unhurried.

I saw many kids play by the side of the scene.
They really don’t care and don’t understand that is such a dangerous way but all they knew is they are daring to go near to the fire. They acted like they are monkeys and jump here and there at the staircase just because the fire scene.

One word


Picture Below: The Burning in Progress

Picture Below: "Slow Motion Fire Fighters"Picture Below: The Place where caught burning. Nothing Left

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